Hey Friend!
This morning I sit looking at the ripples in the water by the gentle breeze and the sun rising. Both are two things controlled by God everyday. My coffee mug filled with warm brew and quickly chosen this morning just happens to have the words “Trust in the Lord” on it. My Bible in my lap is open to Hebrews chapter 12. “ therefore, since we also have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every hindrance and the sin, that so easily ensnares us. Let us run with endurance the race that lies before us, keeping our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and the perfecter of our faith. For the joy, that laid before him, he endured the cross, despising the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
I have been reading in the book of Hebrews and I can’t seem to get past Hebrews 12 .  I also find myself fighting a lot of battles right now.  I find myself collapsing in the bed at night from long tiring days. I find myself questioning things I am doing or not doing. I find myself weary but yet strong. “ For when I am weak, then I am strong.
Then the gentle wind blows that is commanded by God collides with the pages of my Bible and they dance together in the air, but still fall open to Hebrew 12- Run with endurance.
What is restricting you, entrapping you, binding you, holding you back from running? Throw it off! Break free, speak to it, command it to bow in the name of Jesus and run with endurance the race he has set before you, free! Yes, free, free as a feather to run with joy, but don’t forget the most important part, keeping your eyes on Jesus! All that we go through makes us stronger and builds our endurance and we will finish well! Glory!
Whatever you face today know that you are deeply loved and cared for by God. He has given us Jesus and the Holy Spirit to run along with us giving us all we need along the way to finish because it is already finished! May your hearts be encouraged! Look Up! Jesus is cheering you on. You are a winner, a champion in him. All victory is yours, because of his great love and accomplishment on the cross for us all! So tighten those shoe laces up! And run your race with endurance! And don't forget along the race you will get tired, so don't forget to REST IN HIM!
Love you bunches, Jeannie