Hey Friends,
I feel like someone needs this word today. "Stay The Course" Whatever you are going through, whatever you are considering quitting, or giving up on. Stay The Course! There is peace coming, there is joy coming, there is reward, blessing coming! You will see God's Promises. He will restore and rebuild. He will give you the desires of your heart! I know you may get tired and weary and at times things seem hopeless, but stay the course.
I speak this to you heart, but to my own as well. Sometimes we just need to be reminded, encouraged that God is ever present in our life and that He is good, even through the valley, and despair. Even though the most troubling times, challenging times, and times of great sorrow. He is with us and carrying us, and sustaining us. He never gives up on us, so let's not give up on Him.
Stay The Course!