author & speaker
About Jeannie
Jeannie Scott Smith is an author, speaker, and podcaster who influences her audience based on her own life experiences and walk with God. She is committed to ministering to women across the world; her love and passion for God have proved her energy and efficiency to be boundless. She has a deep desire to live a life of obedience to God believing this is the only way to live a life of freedom and purpose and inspires others to do the same. In addition, she speaks with passion and authority to groups of women on the serious and issue of brokenness, trauma, and the redemptive path to healing. She is well known for her compassionate heart as a counselor for women in both crisis and recovery and healing.

Redeemed and Set Free
Jeannie was one of those faces you encounter in your church every week that concealed a dreadful secret from her past. She came to realize that only Jesus could pay the price for the consequences of her abortion. She determined to cry out to God to take her biggest failure and turn it into a powerful witness that would touch the hearts of women struggling with the same issues.
In 2010, God instructed Jeannie to write about her abortion and share her testimony. As much as she enjoyed her career in health care she knew God was calling her to full-time ministry. She responded with obedience and God began equipping Jeannie for her Kingdom purpose. Within the same year, her book Shattered into Beautiful: Delivering the Brokenhearted from Abortion was published. In this book, Jeannie shares her own personal story of finding freedom and healing.
God then called her out of her comfort zone and she began accepting invitations to speak on a local, state, and national level. Although Jeannie found her greatest joy working with women on an individual basis, God was moving her to a greater arena of ministry.
In 2011, Jeannie and her husband Carter were chosen to be featured in the film Set Free as the lead testimony mirroring God’s love, mercy, and healing from the tragedy of abortion. Doors immediately began opening for further opportunities to share her testimony. Watch the film, Set Free.

“I have found that there are three great stages in the work of God: First, it is impossible, then it is difficult, then it is done.”
- J Hudson Taylor -
Career & Ministry
In 2013, Jeannie Founded Coastline Women’s Center A Pregnancy Medical Clinic in S.C. To view this ministry go to She serves as President and has led the organization into great growth, serving three locations. Her husband Carter joins her as CEO and Co Founder with his own perspective to men as they work with individuals and couples struggling with issues that arise from unplanned pregnancies and abortion. Together they are committed to transform “at risk” families into thriving families. Jeannie is also the Former President of the South Carolina Association of Pregnancy Care Centers where she inspired and led other pregnancy center directors in her state.
Jeannie’s spiritual gifts are Mercy, Pastoring, Exhortation, and Leadership. She states her greatest teacher is Jesus. Her mission is to simply bring the brokenhearted to the feet of Jesus. Through this process the wounded can be restored, healed and God will be glorified.
Jeannie began to see how her love relationship with Jesus Christ flowed over into daily obedience and how that obedience was unleashing supernatural blessings and accomplishments in her life. She wanted to awaken others to this truth so she answered yes to another assignment by God. In 2017, her second book, If You Love Me Obey Me: The Secret to Purpose and Freedom was published. In 2023, She published The Gift: Embrace The Wonder Of Healing in which she lost three family members while working on the manuscript.
Today, Jeannie continues to follow where God leads. She began to see a greater vision for the need of healing, not just from abortion, but from all the painful circumstances that women have encountered. This led to yet another extension of her ministry. She serves as the Founder/President of Smith Evangelistic Ministries where she inspires others to walk in freedom and apply the gift of healing through Jesus to their lives and fulfill their purpose. She developed The Gift Encounter a two day healing retreat. Her and her husband also become self publishers with a desire to help others share their stories! Most recently, Jeannie overcame brain surgery and joyfully shares God's faithfulness through yet another trauma in her life. She encourages all people they can move from trauma to triumph with the greatest victor, Jesus!
She personalizes one of her favorite scriptures as “Blessed is she who believes what the Lord told her would be accomplished.” Luke 1:45, and she is most thankful for Jesus Christ her Lord and the promise of eternity.