Healing begins when we share our stories.

books by Jeannie

Shattered into Beautiful
Shattered into Beautiful: Delivering the Brokenhearted from Abortion
Do you want to be restored after abortion? To be truly healed? Do you want your mirror to reflect an inner beauty that has been missing?
If your answer is yes to any of these questions, you have identified a need for God’s redemption in your life.
As the author shares her personal story, Shattered into Beautiful confirms the consequences of the pain abortion can cause women. Through her transparency, you will discover a friend who will connect with your heart and give insight into Scripture and resources for healing.
God wants to work in and through your life. Be willing as He draws you near. Listen for His voice as He offers: Hope, Encouragement, Truth, Comfort, Deep Healing.
It is time for you to be free. Come receive your miracle!

The Gift
The Gift: Embrace The Wonder of Healing
A unique book and Bible study that takes you on a personal journey!
Through the pages of this book your heart will be refreshed, encouraged, and positioned for healing. You will learn how to leave your pain in the past, discover the gift of healing, and soar into great purpose!
This is where healing begins and stories become legacy!
No matter what your painful circumstances are, there is only one Healer and He has a special gift of healing waiting just for you!
Get ready to have a life-changing encounter! Come receive the Gift!

If You Love Me Obey Me
If You Love Me Obey Me: The Secret to Purpose and Freedom
Is your life marked by obedience to God and His Word? Can He count on you to respond to His will? As the author shares some of her personal stories, she reveals we all can be used by God to do extraordinary things! Just like Moses who was entirely human, he made mistakes but was used by God to lead the children of Israel.
Today, He is still known as Israel’s greatest prophet. What was the secret to why God used him in such an amazing way? The secret lies in his and our willingness to obey God! Some march courageously and obediently into God’s plans and purposes while others wander meaninglessly. You were made to be a conqueror! Listen close as the author unleashes how to take a step in faith, overcome fear, and become fully obedient to God. Get ready to journey to your Promised Land! Even the wind and sea obey Him, will you?
Made in His Image
Made in His Image: The Creation of YOU
Psalm 139 is one of the most important segments found in the Bible. It explores our most precious gift, the relationship we have with God. There is no more beautiful picture of intimacy between our Creator and us. Soak in the Love of the Father as you journey through Psalm 139 and don't be surprised if you find yourself touched in a very deep, personal way.