Hello friends! Whats your story? I would love to help you discover the beauty in it. Whatever pain you have experienced, Jesus is the only answer! Through my own trauma I have discovered a passion and gift to help others heal. My heart is to inspire you to live an abundant life filled with healing, purpose, and freedom promised to us all in Jeremiah 33:6
"Behold, I will heal them, and reveal to them an abundance of peace and truth."
We can truly move from trauma to triumph!
The Gift of Healing

A Message from Jeannie:
Hi Friend!
I know what it is like to live in emotional pain. For years I lived in a false identity. One day I finally realized my need for healing, took courageous steps forward and trusted someone to help me. The outcome was a new heart and new spirit! Miracles happened! Then God began to use me to help others by sharing the simple truths He taught me, and now I want to share them with you!
There are a couple ways I can help you achieve the same result. I can be your personal healing coach or you can attend one of my healing retreats!
So, are you ready to discover the gift of healing? Are you ready to live in freedom and find great purpose?
Partner with me as your healing coach in a DISCOVERY CALL!
​Ask, and you shall receive! Who knows, one day your story could be someone else’s survival kit!
stay in touch

Choose joy. Choose freedom.